Thursday, November 29, 2007

Baylor James Arnold is here!!!!

Hi everyone! I first want to thank everyone so much for their love, support and prayers for our new little bundle of joy! Baylor was born on November 8th at 8 pounds 12 ounces!!! Mommy went into labor on Wednesday morning and went to the hospital that night at about 8:00pm. At 8:06am Baylor arrived! He had a knot in his cord and wasn't crying when he came out, so we had a little scare, but about 30 seconds later he was in my arms and screaming, so we knew he was ok!!! Daddy was a huge help during teh labor and we made a great team! We were out of the hospital by Friday evening and have had lots of visitors since. He has been such a joy and an easy baby. The first night he slept 6 hours!!! That hasn't happened since, but we are hopeful. :) He only wakes up about 2 times at night and goes right back to sleep, so we feel very lucky! Here are a few pictures of our little man...

Saturday, November 10, 2007

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Still Waiting.....

Just wanted to give another quick update on Coley and Baylor's status as of today. We will be officially 41 weeks tomorrow and coley sits at 2cm dilated and nearly 100% effaced. In English, that means she is progressing nicely. Last night she had a series of about 20 contractions, but no real normal time intervals. Right now it is just about waiting and praying! Thank you so much for your phone calls and thoughts during this time for us. We are so blessed to have such great support around us. We will keep you posted. Have a great day!!!!


Sunday, November 4, 2007

Little Sammy is Growing Up

Baylor's New Room is Ready for His Arrival

Coley and Her friend Jessie have been working very hard to accomidate my request for a St. Louis Cardinals room for Baylor. As you can see this room comes equipped with lockers, nameplates and STL Cardinal memoribilia. So cool!

The Due Date has Come and Gone

Thanks to all of you over the past few days asking about Baylor's status. No luck getting out of Mom's belly as of yet. Who can blame him! We will be sure to let you know as soon as he decides to make his way on the scene.